A KINGDOM TO CLAIM—Saxons vs Vikings


Sian Ann Bessey


Aisley lost everything in a Viking attack. Now, working alongside the one man she trusts, she is ready to fight for her people—and for love.

Wessex, AD 878

Aisley’s young life was changed forever when her father accompanied King Alfred into battle and lost his life in a deadly skirmish with the Vikings. Now, almost seven years later, the Vikings are once again rallying on Wessex’s borders, and Aisley fears that her older brother may have treacherous plans to betray the king by aligning himself with the invading Norsemen. But when Aisley encounters a handsome nobleman in the market, she feels the first stirrings of hope. Though they met only once when Aisley was little more than a child, she recognizes him immediately as one of King Alfred’s most trusted men.

It has been years since Brecc has seen Aisley, but when he spots her in the marketplace, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to the copper-haired young lady with a gift for healing. Before his fledgling feelings for her can develop into something more, however, a Viking attack tears them apart. King Alfred is forced into hiding, and in a matter of days, the Saxon nation is brought to its knees. Unwilling to forsake their people, the king and his men embark on secret raids of Viking encampments. But when Aisley joins the fight, Brecc must reconcile his steadfast loyalty to King Alfred with his growing love for the king’s newest warrior.



My thanks for the ARC goes to NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing. I’m voluntarily leaving a review.

Genre: Historical Romance, Historical Fiction
Spice Level: Kissing (more about this later)
Gore Level: Pretty low considering this is set during the time of raiding Vikings

After finishing this book, I read the historical note, and it was interesting to read the portions the author incorporated from the actual history. Of course, the romance was fictional, but the main points of the plot are accurate. This is important to know so that some of the choices of the historical figures will make sense.

A KINGDOM TO CLAIM is incredibly interesting. This is set in a time where women weren’t valued, so that part is tweaked for our sensibilities to like the romantic lead. Even though this is a clean, kissing only romance, tough things are mentioned—meaning how the Vikings would pillage and rape. I mention this in case it’s a sensitive topic for specific readers so you can go in knowing that details are not on the page.

The plot unfolds in a satisfying way. I liked the development of the relationship between the two main characters. Toward the end, I wanted a little bit more in the climax because I felt like it wrapped up a little bit too quickly.

This is a read for anyone who loves early English history or romance.

Happy reading!

  • Michelle

About Tales Untangled

My favorite genres are romance and fantasy, and I write both. Mystery is my newest genre, and I'm so vested in cozies. I love sharing my treasury of books with you.
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