FAMOUS FOR A LIVING—How Can She Ever Balance Her Life?


Melissa Ferguson


From Park Avenue to the Parks Department—the world’s most beloved social media star is about to get a rude awakening.

With her millions of followers, Cat Cranwell is adored around the world. But when an app partnership goes very, very wrong, Cat suddenly finds herself shunned from the community that not only fed her soul all these years but paid her bills. When Cat’s closest living relative, Uncle Terry, offers her a position on his staff at a small national park in Montana to get away from the city, Cat hesitantly accepts the opportunity.

What she doesn’t realize is that as the new social media strategist her goal is to save Kannery National Park from being absorbed into Glacier National Park by boosting the number of visitors. And at least one of her new colleagues—namely, handsome and rugged ranger Zaiah Hudson—thinks social media is the root of everything that’s wrong with the world. Written with bestselling author Melissa Ferguson’s signature wit and charm, this romantic comedy of opposites attract is full of hilarious romp and a romance that will melt readers’ hearts.

Courtesy of Goodreads.com


I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.

Genre: Romance, RomCom, Sweet Romance, Clean Romance
Spice Level: Low (kissing & references to previous relationships)
Language: Low-none on swearing
Representation: Disability rep with secondary character, possible ADHD too

I feel like Melissa Ferguson’s book are a secret—that every romance lover needs. Her books are so compelling and absorbing to read. The cover threw me off a bit because she arrives in winter—as in so-much-snow-that-the-world-is-white type of winter. I can’t even imagine Montana in the winter. It must be close to a Canadian winter—and so, so miserable!

In this one, deals with the negative side of social media and how it can take over your life. While trying to maintain her life, Cat’s posts tank. She’s being painted as the villain, and she must escape the pressure of New York, her fans, her former business partner, newspapers, stares, and even her best friend who won’t leave her alone to quietly curl up into a corner and mourn the loss of everything she’s known. On top of everything else, she can tell she’s aging. Yikes for an influencer.

Chime the bells (possibly cow bells) for her to land in Montana in the winter, renting a a car that’s more luxury than tires that will actually keep her on the road. Thankfully, Cat’s uncle sent Zaiah—a man with a broad no-nonsense line running right over his eyes. Yep—he sees nothing other than the beauty of Montana and the wrongness with the world of social media.

When these two meet, there are sparks, but more of the electricity-is-dangerous way than the I-want-to-kiss-you type of reaction. However, Kannery National Park is only a few hundred miles of wilderness, and they can’t escape each others’ company. I enjoyed the ongoing gaffs of Cat—she really doesn’t understand what the wilderness is all about (but she does love to ski). Zaiah is so fun to try to read through Cat’s observations. It’s just such a joyful read.

This is a fun, light-hearted, sweet romance with kissing.

I’m recommending this book (and this author) to everyone because everybody will find someone to relate to. Seriously, this is one of my favorite authors for romance.

Happy reading to you,

About Tales Untangled

My favorite genres are romance and fantasy, and I write both. Mystery is my newest genre, and I'm so vested in cozies. I love sharing my treasury of books with you.
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