A DECEPTIVE COMPOSITION—Victorian England, Smugglers, and a Sordid Past

A Lady Darby Mystery

Anna Lee Huber


Lady Kiera Darby and her dashing husband, Sebastian Gage, hope they’ve finally found peace after a tumultuous summer, but long-buried family secrets soon threaten to unravel their lives . . .

October 1832. Kiera is enjoying the slower pace of the English countryside. She, Sebastian, and their infant daughter have accompanied her father-in-law, Lord Gage, home so that he can recuperate from the injuries he sustained in a foiled attempt on his life. But as the chill of autumn sweeps across the land, they receive a summons from an unexpected quarter. Lord Gage’s estranged uncle—a member of the notorious Roscarrock family—has been murdered, and his family is desperate for answers. Despite Lord Gage’s protests, Kiera and Sebastian press on to Cornwall to assist.

It isn’t long before they discover that almost nothing is as it seems among the Roscarrocks, and they’ve been lured to their isolated cove under false pretenses. There are whispers of a lost treasure and frightening allusions to a series of murders stretching back decades that touch the lives of the family personally. Kiera and Sebastian are left with no choice but to uncover the truth before the secrets of the past threaten to destroy them all.



My thanks for the ARC goes to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group. I’m voluntarily leaving a review.

Genre: Historical Mystery, Victorian Mystery, Mystery, Cozy Mystery
Gore Level: Low
Spice Level: Nothing overtly on the page

I’ve read some of Huber’s other mysteries, but this is the first in this series. The author references events in previous novels, but it was easy to catch on and keep going forward.

The characters are interesting, and I was quickly absorbed in their lives and struggles. I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.

Things I loved:

  • Cornwall
  • Smugglers
  • Misunderstood characters
  • Twists
  • Family relationships
  • The BABY gooing and being adorable!
  • Creaking
  • Secrets

I definitely recommend this mystery. It was so much fun to enter another time period and place.

Happy reading!

  • Michelle

About Tales Untangled

My favorite genres are romance and fantasy, and I write both. Mystery is my newest genre, and I'm so vested in cozies. I love sharing my treasury of books with you.
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