15 SUMMERS LATER—A Time to Heal Between Sisters


RaeAnne Thayne


15 summers ago, everything changed…

Ava Howell seemed to have it all. She moved away from Emerald Creek, Idaho, married the love of her life and published a bestselling memoir. But she never expected that her husband would feel so betrayed by a secret from her past—the truth of what happened to her and her sister all those years ago—that he’d walk away. Now Ava is back home and trying to move on with the only person who can truly understand…

Following years of healing, Madison Howell is finally happy. After college she built a no-kill shelter where she works with animals every day, and she’s in love with the town veterinarian, Dr. Luke Gentry. But she can’t ever bring herself to tell him. Years ago, his dad died protecting Madi and her sister, so how could he ever love her back?

With the truth laid bare, and the past that Ava and Madison have worked so hard to leave behind threatening everything they have built for themselves, the Howell sisters’ reunion is bittersweet. And as Ava and Madi attempt to remedy the rifts in their lives and reconcile their futures, they must face the demons of their past together.



My thanks for the ARC goes to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Canary Street Press. I’m voluntarily leaving a review.

Genre: General Fiction, Women’s Fiction
Subgenre: Romance
Spice Level: No sex on the page

15 Summers Later is called a romance—I disagree. I’d call it women’s fiction because it’s all about the journey of two sisters. Both sisters have a POV (point-of-view). The main storyline is about their relationship.

I liked this book, but it wasn’t what I expected. I was expecting a romance—and there is a romantic plot, but it’s not the primary thread.

The chapters open with snippets of a book written by Ava about their harrowing experience from fifteen years ago. Madi is incensed over the book and all the turmoil it’s causing in her life. This is a story of strength, forgiveness, and hope.

There are things in this book that bothered me. Really, they’re supposed to. See the content alert at the end—though these are a bit of a spoiler.

If you love women’s fiction or other contemporary fiction, this is the book for you!

Happy reading!

  • Michelle

Content alert: Rape and abuse is mentioned, cults, survivor guilt, physical trauma

About Tales Untangled

My favorite genres are romance and fantasy, and I write both. Mystery is my newest genre, and I'm so vested in cozies. I love sharing my treasury of books with you.
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