THREADS THAT BIND—Must-Read Fantasy for Book Addicts and Reluctant Readers


Kika Hatzopoulou


In a world where the children of the gods inherit their powers, a descendant of the Greek Fates must solve a series of impossible murders to save her sisters, her soulmate, and her city.

Descendants of the Fates are always born in threes: one to weave, one to draw, and one to cut the threads that connect people to the things they love and to life itself. The Ora sisters are no exception. Io, the youngest, uses her Fate-born abilities as a private investigator in the half-sunken city of Alante.

But her latest job leads her to a horrific discovery: somebody is abducting women, maiming their life-threads, and setting the resulting wraiths loose in the city to kill. To find the culprit, she must work alongside Edei Rhuna, the right hand of the infamous Mob Queen—and the boy with whom she shares a rare fate-thread linking them as soul mates before they’ve even met.

But the investigation turns personal when Io’s estranged oldest sister turns up on the arm of her best suspect. Amid unveiled secrets from her past and her growing feelings for Edei, Io must follow clues through the city’s darkest corners and unearth a conspiracy that involves some of the city’s most powerful players—before destruction comes to her own doorstep.


My thanks for the ARC goes to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Penguin Young Readers Group, Razorbill. I’m voluntarily leaving a review.

Genre: Fantasy, Mythology, YA Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Greek Retelling, Fantasy Mystery
Spice Level: Lowish—sleeping with someone is mentioned in passing, nothing on the page
Language: Some swearing but not too frequent
Representation: Non-binary and gay people among the secondary characters

Wow! THREADS THAT BIND deserves all the stars and awards.

Mesmerizing! This book is JADE CITY meets Greek Mythology. An adult audience will love this as much as young adults.


  • Gang wars
  • Betrayal
  • Cool magic system
  • Slow-burn love
  • Sisters
  • Fate
  • Secrets
  • Strong female characters

Io is a cutter (meaning a fate who can cut threads). She’s been wounded from the loss of her parents and by her oldest sister. But she remains kind and loving, though she lives with regrets from the choices she’s made. I thought she was amazing because I felt her struggles.

Edei is more than he seems. Sure, he’s the second in command for the Mob Queen, but that doesn’t mean he’s bad. He’s curious, loyal, and intelligent.

The sisters relationships to each other is complicated—which reads accurately. I loved this aspect of the book.

The pacing is perfect. The hits to keep me tangled in the book’s web are also perfect. This is the quintessential fantasy for what readers want. I definitely think you should pick this up now. The next book, HEARTS THAT CUT, comes out soon!

Happy reading!
– Michelle

If you want more amazing books like this, check out:

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross
Silver in the Bone by Alexandra Bracken
Sky’s End by Marc J. Gregson
The Isles of the Gods by Amie Kaufman

About Tales Untangled

My favorite genres are romance and fantasy, and I write both. Mystery is my newest genre, and I'm so vested in cozies. I love sharing my treasury of books with you.
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