“Palace of Stone” – A Remarkable Book Following a Well Loved Story

Book Review : Palace of Stone by Shannon Hale

Spoiler Alert!

Britta is to marry Prince Steffan and many of the girls from the princess academy are going to the capital to help in the wedding preparations. Many of the girls are excited for the adventure while others worry about leaving their beloved mountain. Miri’s family is worried that Miri will never return as she ventures out into the world. Mount Eskel’s delegate Katar has sent a vague message to Miri that there is trouble in Asland. Miri is thrilled to be going to see her friend and to attend school at the Queen’s Academy. As Miri is introduced to the study of ethics she finds she is faced with a moral dilemna. There are many citizens who are suffering and their small earnings are taken in the name of the crown. Many nobles are corrupt and there seems to be answer to fulfill the dream of justice. Miri’s heart is torn between her new friends and her loyalty to old friends.

Adult Point of View

Palace of Stone is a remarkable second novel, I enjoyed it even more than the original Princess Academy. Palace of Stone develops a logical extension from the romance of selecting a princess to a disenchanted population seeking relief from the excesses of the nobility. As I was reading thoughts of the French Revolution came to mind, remembering Marius being led by the romance of revolution in Les Miserables, the sentiments expressed in Tale of Two Cities of the complete destitution of the masses and the contrast of the silliness of the nobility compared to the few willing to do what is right as found in The Scarlet Pimpernel. Palace of Stone is not quite as grand as these other novels, but is a perfect introduction of the ideals of freedom and justice to young readers.

I enjoyed Miri’s character, she was still naive enough to believe and forgive Timon easily, but savvy enough to speak honestly to the people who could affect change. Again, I loved how the linder stone was woven into the tale with the royalty using it to understand the emotions of people better. I am so happy with Miri’s growth and understanding of herself, it feels like the next level in her coming of age. Girl’s will also love the romance as Miri finds herself in a pickle between Peder and Timon.

I can’t imagine what else Hale could do with this series. I will anxiously await another installment.

4.25 out of 5 stars

– the Mother

Teen Point of View

I read the first 35 pages and just was not interested in this book. It is for younger girls.

– the Teen

About Tales Untangled

My favorite genres are romance and fantasy, and I write both. I love sharing my treasury of books with my four kids and husband.
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